Saturday, August 8, 2015


Psalm 1:2-3

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

We have been MIA here in blog world for a week or so due to Caroline developing thrush and a few busy work days for me. Monday Caroline stayed at home with Kyle and I went to work. I was super pumped to get off early around 2:30 so that I could go to bible study and came home to a fussy, irritable baby. We have been thinking for close to a month that a tooth is going to break so we contributed it to that. I ended up going to bible study that night and after about forty five minutes Kyle sent a text that said Caroline would not stop crying and wasn't eating and he didn't know what else to do. Since he is used to keeping her (10 hours at a time) I knew that she must be feeling pretty bad for him to text me so I left. 

When I got home and assessed her crying, he pointed out that her breath was horribly sour smelling and that her tongue was white. I still wasn't completely convinced that it was thrush, I still thought she might be cutting a tooth. So I eventually got her calmed down, gave her some Tylenol and off to bed we went. She woke up around 2:30 crying (she has never woke up crying) and tried several things to get her back to sleep (including a bottle and we haven't eaten in the middle of the night since 4 months old) and nothing was working. I ended up walking around the living room at 4:30 with her in my arms like I used to when she was a fussy newborn and she drifted off to sleep in my arms around 5:15. Talk about a long night! Thankfully I was off on Tuesday and discovered the next morning that her whole entire inner mouth was covered and her voice was hoarse… either meaning it was in her throat or she had cried too much the night before. Our pediatrician's office is amazing because I was 99% sure it was thrush and the nurse had Nystatin drops called in and we picked up within 3 hours. The first 24 hours she would not take the medicine. I tried everything I knew how to do and finally came up with the solution of putting a plastic angiocath from an IV on the end of a syringe and squirting it all around her mouth and it worked! I was so relieved. 

Kyle kept her on Wednesday and my dad kept her on Thursday and by Thursday night we could tell a huge difference. She was eating better and had returned to her normal happy state. We are on day four of Nystatin and will take it for ten days. I am also boiling bottles/paci's/teething toys daily, hoping the thrush doesn't return. 

So we survived our first episode of "sickness" if you even consider that a sickness. I know one thing, I am so thankful to God that Caroline is a happy and healthy baby thus far. I don't see how these parents with terminally sick babies make it day to day. Speaking of being thankful, I am equally thankful for coffee. Seriously, it gives me tons more energy in the morning and I don't know why I have been missing out!I am posting some snaps from Wednesday and Thursday that my mom took mainly. Getting these at work just make my day.

XOXO- Laci

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