Tuesday, August 18, 2015

6 Months Old

Caroline Reese Page, 
I cannot believe that you are six months old. I remember sitting at home with you in February when we had just came home from the hospital and thinking that you were so tiny and so fragile. We could hold you in the crook of our arm and sleep with you for hours. I was so scared to take care of a tiny human being that depended on me for every ounce of life. I couldn't imagine a day when you would be a spunky, energetic, blue-eyed, smiling little sweetheart that everyone adored. But you are just that and we love every little piece of you. Happy half birthday little girl!
Love, Mama & Daddy 

~Six Months Old~

Caroline is officially half a year old and loving every minute of it. She is ALL personality and we think she is such a hoot. She smiles all the time at anyone and everyone. She is also a screamer. She screams a high pitch shrill when she is happy and it is pretty entertaining. She smiles after every sneeze and it makes me laugh. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse and Doc McStuffins. She can pitch a fit with the best of them and lets us know really quick what she is wanting. This week she started reaching for us and it makes our hearts melt. I feel like we have really hit our stride at month six and it just keeps getting easier. 

Caroline drinks five 5 ounce bottles daily. We decreased it from six ounces to five and add a little cereal with each bottle to decrease the spitting up. She spits up alot. She still loves sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. She is not very fond of fruits unless they are mixed with her vegetables. 

I would rather not even go to the subject of sleeping for the fact that right after I type this we will have a horrible night. Please Lord help me out here! Okay-here it goes. For around a month now she has been sleeping a solid eight hours a night. Whaaaat?  I know. I don't even care that she is an early bird like me and wakes up at 5 every morning as long as we get 7-8 hours. She still sleeps bedside me in her co-sleeper and most mornings I have to pull her in bed with me around 4:30 because she is in such a light phase of sleep squirming around that she would wake up earlier if I didn't do something. Let me remind everyone here that this baby is still swaddled, which is our absolute saving grace. I am just so gloriously thankful for some sleep that I don't care how it happens. With that said, we do have some rough nights thrown in sometimes. But compared to two months ago? It's better and I am so thankful. Dear Jesus, I will never take sleep for granted again. Amen. 

Caroline still takes every nap in her swing. Yes, I am aware that she is six months old and her toes hang off the edge when she stretches out but it is what works for her. She loves that thing. I dread the upcoming weeks when we have to train her to nap in her crib and no turning back to the swing. (Any suggestions are welcome!) She takes around 5 naps a day and usually two of them are long. 

We have no teeth yet! For a while we have been thinking one on the bottom right is going to pop through, but I suppose she is going to be a slow teether. I'm okay with that-teething is horrible!

As I stated in previous blog posts, Caroline has had thrush now for 2 weeks. The first 3-4 days were awful, and now it is in small, sparse patches in her mouth.We are continuing her medicine 4 times a day and still boiling bottles/paci's/teething toys daily. It doesn't bother her much, thankfully.  

New Things
Caroline is sitting up pretty much by herself for around 15-20 seconds. I give her a week or two and she will have it down really good. She also rolls from one side of the living room to the other rather quickly. 

To sum it up, life with this girl is FUN! I'm so thankful God allowed me to be her mama and I pray every single night that she would walk in His ways! Happy 6 Months Caroline! We love you soooo much!

XOXO- Laci

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