Thursday, April 23, 2015

Formula Blues

As mentioned in previous post, I knew this week was going to be kind of hard. We have been doing half breastmilk and half formula for 6 days now. And it hasn't been fun. 

After some advice on powder formula vs. ready to feed from my friend Jenn, we have finally decided to try Enfamil Soy formula that is ready to feed. C just wasn't doing good on Gentlease powder and I remembered how much better she did breastfeeding when I cut milk out of my diet, soy seemed like an option to try. This is all trial and error for us.. As the pediatrician said it would be. She is not taking her breastmilk/formula bottle well and it takes over 30 minutes to feed her 2-3 oz. I have read that most babies do this when switching so we are hoping she starts taking it better. Her shots were on Monday and those next two days were awful...lots of fussiness and I slept 2 hours in 2 nights. I came to my mothers yesterday since Kyle is working a 36 hour shift for some help. I know this will get better in time, I keep telling myself this. But if you see me at Walmart and I look like a drug dealer with my sunken eye sockets and ratty ponytail.. Just look the other way! :) Here are a couple of pics from yesterday at nanas. 

"Blowout Queen" is staining her clothes frequently! :)

Just hanging out with my Uncle A! He loves me! 

And of course how could I not share how much my big girl has grown? I'm proud of every ounce she has gained! 

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