Friday, March 27, 2015

First Trip to the Movies!

When I was little my all-time favorite movie was Cinderella. I probably watched it five times a day and my mom even had two VHS copies for when I went places. Needless to say when I saw the new Cinderella movie on TV I had to see it! Turns out one of my best friends Brooke wanted to see it too so off we went on a movie date with C! My little girl does everything with me and she is very good at it. (If it's during the day.) Here is C all ready for the car ride to Huntsville. 

We love Aunt Brooke. She loves C so much!

Excuse my awful posture! That car seat gets heavier every week. Ha! C was not too thrilled about this picture for sure! 

This is C when we got home looking oh so beautiful. Unfortunately, she had a screaming/crying spell from 6 ish until late. For the third or fourth night in a row. Thankfully my parents were visiting and helped.... It was not fun. 

Pop with C right before her crying spell started. He still loves her very much crying or happy! 

My mom text me today and told me to send her a picture of Caroline. I sent her this and said "She actually fell asleep laying in my lap!!"

Then thirty seconds later....."Tricked ya mom!" Little stinker!

My little C was five weeks old yesterday. At five weeks, she is still eating anywhere from 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. She will breastfeed and bottle feed very well. She knows now how I hold her when I feed her and starts to crinkle her nose and open her mouth wide when she knows she is about to eat! It's so funny. She is an excellent car rider and loves music. She doesn't like when we stop at red lights though. The vacuum cleaner has became our powerful weapon when nothing else works for sleep. She loves her time with her daddy in the mornings when he gets home from work. Daddy drinks coffee while holding C and watches TV and they chat for a while and let me take a shower. We change her diaper anywhere from 10-14 times a day! She loves bath time and likes for her body to be submerged. She does well during the day anywhere and struggles at night... But we are making it through, for we know these days won't last long! We love you Caroline Page!

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