Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eleven Months Old

As I am typing this post, it is snowing hard outside and my ELEVEN month old baby has been asleep in her warm and cozy crib for two hours. Thats right, Caroline is eleven months old. 

Nothing much has changed from ten months to eleven months except that Caroline has become quite the babbler. She is always talking about something, if we could only figure out what she is talking about! Her sentences usually sound something like this.

"Oh guh oh guh oh guh oh guh oh guh, ba ba ba ba baaaaaa"

"A da da da da da da, guh guh ma ma oh oh!"

or my personal favorite,

"Uh uh ohhhhhhhh!" (with her sweet mouth shaped like the letter "O.")

One day last week I had put her in the pack n play with a toy while I took a shower. Up until this week she hasn't really associated "mama" with me or "dada" with Kyle unto last week. I was washing my hair and I heard her saying "maaaamaaaa" and crying with her arms stretched up and my heart just almost burst I was so happy. 

She still has only two teeth on the bottom. She still will eat almost anything. She has taken quite the liking to prunes with apples or cherries. She loves her push toys that she received for Christmas and pushes them very fast all over the house. She won't stay in the living room anymore and ventures to the kitchen (where she heads straight to the dog food bowl, no matter where we move it) or to our guest bathroom (where she wants to pull up to the toilet…I know, gross.) She hasn't taken a step yet but stands on her own for ten or more seconds. She absolutely refuses to hold her bottle or a sippy cup, although we are working on it. She sleeps all night most nights in bed with me and has became quite the early riser over the past week. Two mornings in a row we were up at 4:30-4:45 and mama had a few cups of coffee before work. 

We have established quite the nap routine that she thrives on. She takes great naps most days and always wants to be held after she wakes up for about fifteen minutes, to which I happily oblige. I am planning a small family first birthday party which has been really fun since I decided not to go all out! 

Over the past month I have read two books written from parents who have lost a child. I didn't do this on purpose at all, but happened upon the books and read them with great conviction. I can't help but think that the Lord placed those books in my path to not only make me even more thankful than I already am for Caroline and to get to be her mother, but to prepare me for any trials that might face Kyle and I in the future. The books have also helped me embrace the beautiful scriptural fact that she belongs to the Lord and that he is letting me raise her. 

(So as I always say-these pictures are getting harder and harder to take- these pictures are horrible iPhone quality at 7 am but these are better than none!) 

I think I am going to have to pinch myself in a few weeks when I wake up a realize that Caroline Reese Page is one years old. So until next month you will find me loving every minute with my sweet eleven month old baby and trying to take in every minute of her precious life! 

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