Sunday, September 6, 2015


On this beautiful September Sabbath Caroline and I are hanging out at home. It just so happens that I am on call and Kyle had to work, so this weekend is low-key. The quote that I posted above this was one that my friend Beth showed me this week and it really hit me hard. Note to self-work on positive, loving & encouraging speech this week. 

Labor Day isn't a holiday that we particularly celebrate, but it has made my weekend long and much needed. Caroline is now full-time sleeping in her crib for naps and at night so I needed a few days off to get as much rest as I can. Don't get me wrong here- by me stating that she "sleeps in her crib at night" I am not implying that she sleeps all night. I'm usually up 2-3 times a night to either stick her paci in or feed her. We are making slow progress.

 This past week Kyle, my mom, and my dad had Caroline so I got lots of pictures at work. This one is from Kyle… he told me "Never get rid of this umbrella stroller." I quickly figured out why. He strolls her around the house while he is getting things done and she is happy to be his little accomplice. At one point this weekend I saw him pulling it behind him (like luggage) and she was just smiling away. Those two kill me! 

I asked him to send me a picture of her and this is what I got on Wednesday. Heart melted. They are besties. Side note-How many dads stay at home with their 6 month old baby for 8-10 hours? Not many….I am super proud of Kyle. He is such a fantastic dad.

Nana sent me this sweet picture when she came over. Of course she is all smiles for nana. 

Then on Thursday my dad came to watch her while we both worked. Thursday is his off day and he loves to spend it with Caroline.

One thing Caroline loves about staying with her Pops so much is that he will put her in the stroller and go for long walks. 

A new favorite of hers is banging on this piano while it plays music and lights up. 

 Kyle waited too long to lay her down and she got to the fussy and mad stage of being sleepy. This picture is probably pretty indicative of her 13 year old self in the future. 

On Friday I visited the surgery department where I work to celebrate my friend Beth's 40th Birthday. Beth is one of those friends who I always have a good time with and get into some great conversation with. She certainly doesn't look or act 40 years old!

This isn't a picture of all my work friends, but I am so fortunate to work with a great group of people. We are all family and I love my job more because of these friends.

Caroline + Libby = Double Trouble.

That's it for my short weekend post. I really do not like missing church so after Caroline woke up at 5am and went back down at 6:30 I got some devotion time in and really felt encouraged. I am reading 1st and 2nd Timothy in depth and reading the background of when it was written and under what circumstances really helps me understand it more. Praying not to get called in today! Happy Sunday.

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