Saturday, August 1, 2015


Happy Saturday morning, friends! This morning for me has been peaceful and spent in my Bible. After waking up at five am with Caroline, some coffee and waffles, Kyle leaving for work, and getting her back down for a nap, I have enjoyed some peacefulness. 

This week I accidently ordered Lysa Terkeurst's book, "The Best Yes" instead of the workbook that I was supposed to order for church Bible study and I could not be any more thankful for the mishap. I'm going to be honest here and say that it's usually really hard for me to start and stay in a spiritually challenging book. Although I love to read, sometimes I get bored if I'm not following a storyline. This book is sooo fantasically amazing. I have already gotten a highliter to help me go back and read parts that stuck out to me. The book is about how you make your decisions and apply God to them. That is actually a horrible synapsis of the book but just take my word for it. 

Ever since Caroline was born, I really wanted to find a verse to coin as my go-to verse for prayer on motherhood. I wanted a verse that would encourage me as I mess up and fail daily and want to just give up. I also wanted one to pray over Caroline. I finally decided which ones I wanted to use and surprised myself by using verses that are commonly known. Then I realized that they are commonly known because they speak to people on such a level we all need. So here's what I decided on...

So there is that! I haven't taken near as many pictures lately but we have had a great week.

Next weekend is my call weekend so we are going to soak up some time together this week! 
XOXO- Laci

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