The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.
Jeremiah 17:9-10, NLT
Happy Saturday, friends!
Oddly enough, this is a strange enough Saturday for Kyle and I. We went last night to see Tim McGraw in concert and did not get in bed until one o'clock…. yes you read that correctly! Caroline stayed with my parents and my mother begged to me let her keep her today until we meet up with them this afternoon to eat for her birthday. So my mom has Caroline on her birthday and Kyle and I are at home alone on a Saturday. I have learned two things after last night. The concert was mostly wholesome and fun and we had a blast with our friends. There aren't many things, however that are going to keep me from my 9-10 pm bedtime after last night. Especially when I realized that no matter how late my body stays up, it will always wake up at 7am.
Anyways, of course I am super thankful to my awesome mom for letting me have this time to catch up on laundry, dishes, cleaning, and working on a bookshelf for Caroline's room that we have been working on slowly for a while. I got two chapters of "The Best Yes" completed along with many chapters of "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom invested in. Let me just say, this book is phenomenal already. I have always found myself drawn to Holocaust/WWII books written from people who experienced it, but Corrie's relationship with God tied into this book and her unwavering faith in Him through some really scary times is such a great read for me or anyone! I am pretty sure these two books are going to be at the top of my book list!
The scripture above is something I came across during my quiet time this morning. Although I consider myself to be very transparent with my life/struggles and what not, God has spoken to us this week about a particular issue I have began praying about for a few weeks now. He has placed a stirring desire in my heart, and I feel that it is a personal thing for now that God wants to work with Kyle and I both on. If I could seriously see what was down the road five years from now everything would be great but that is not how faith works. #christianstruggles #amiright
How sweet is my little girl sleeping on the way to nana's with Mickey and Minnie on each side? My heart melts each time I see this picture! Love my girl.
I didn't realize until looking at this picture of us right now how tired I always look, but I've decided to overlook it and enjoy the time we have together! It is truly a gift.
This girl! One of the sweetest souls you will encounter. Brooke has such a heart for Christ, a heart for serving others, and a heart for her family. Not to mention a heart for Tim McGraw, which is pretty much another reason I love her! ;)
And just for fun…. from a year ago….
12 weeks pregnant…..with our "son"! What a funny thing to look back on.
The clothes I bought our "baby boy"…that would soon go to my friend Jennifer for Parker!
It gets funnier. The fabric for his curtains and bedding.

How thankful I am for my sweet Caroline and the life we have with her now!
You guys, I cannot express how God has changed my life in a short matter of months. I went from having a baby, struggling with the shocking new life change, feeling hopeless, scared, and anxious every day to loving my life as a mother and seeking His will more than I ever have. Of course I am still the clumsy, goofy, crazy person I have always been, but I just see God at work so much in my life now that I have a family and a desire for Him! I hope you have a great Saturday! And the biggest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom, our nana, my best friend! Love you mama!!!
Happy Saturday, friends!
Oddly enough, this is a strange enough Saturday for Kyle and I. We went last night to see Tim McGraw in concert and did not get in bed until one o'clock…. yes you read that correctly! Caroline stayed with my parents and my mother begged to me let her keep her today until we meet up with them this afternoon to eat for her birthday. So my mom has Caroline on her birthday and Kyle and I are at home alone on a Saturday. I have learned two things after last night. The concert was mostly wholesome and fun and we had a blast with our friends. There aren't many things, however that are going to keep me from my 9-10 pm bedtime after last night. Especially when I realized that no matter how late my body stays up, it will always wake up at 7am.
Anyways, of course I am super thankful to my awesome mom for letting me have this time to catch up on laundry, dishes, cleaning, and working on a bookshelf for Caroline's room that we have been working on slowly for a while. I got two chapters of "The Best Yes" completed along with many chapters of "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom invested in. Let me just say, this book is phenomenal already. I have always found myself drawn to Holocaust/WWII books written from people who experienced it, but Corrie's relationship with God tied into this book and her unwavering faith in Him through some really scary times is such a great read for me or anyone! I am pretty sure these two books are going to be at the top of my book list!
The scripture above is something I came across during my quiet time this morning. Although I consider myself to be very transparent with my life/struggles and what not, God has spoken to us this week about a particular issue I have began praying about for a few weeks now. He has placed a stirring desire in my heart, and I feel that it is a personal thing for now that God wants to work with Kyle and I both on. If I could seriously see what was down the road five years from now everything would be great but that is not how faith works. #christianstruggles #amiright
How sweet is my little girl sleeping on the way to nana's with Mickey and Minnie on each side? My heart melts each time I see this picture! Love my girl.
I didn't realize until looking at this picture of us right now how tired I always look, but I've decided to overlook it and enjoy the time we have together! It is truly a gift.
This girl! One of the sweetest souls you will encounter. Brooke has such a heart for Christ, a heart for serving others, and a heart for her family. Not to mention a heart for Tim McGraw, which is pretty much another reason I love her! ;)
And just for fun…. from a year ago….
12 weeks pregnant…..with our "son"! What a funny thing to look back on.
The clothes I bought our "baby boy"…that would soon go to my friend Jennifer for Parker!
It gets funnier. The fabric for his curtains and bedding.
How thankful I am for my sweet Caroline and the life we have with her now!
You guys, I cannot express how God has changed my life in a short matter of months. I went from having a baby, struggling with the shocking new life change, feeling hopeless, scared, and anxious every day to loving my life as a mother and seeking His will more than I ever have. Of course I am still the clumsy, goofy, crazy person I have always been, but I just see God at work so much in my life now that I have a family and a desire for Him! I hope you have a great Saturday! And the biggest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom, our nana, my best friend! Love you mama!!!
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