Yesterday I rode up to work while Kyle had C at home and made it official.. Four more weeks at home with my little girl! I am so thrilled that I could shout. She has already changed so much and I know over the next four weeks she will change even more. The past three days now we have not had our nightly screaming fits.. And I am convinced that Gerber Probiotic drops are helping! We couldn't really see a difference the first two days but now I think they are really helping her tummy adapt! Nana also made a trip to her friend Burma's herb shop and got some advice on using a little aloe juice in their bottles. After doing lots of reading and being convinced it wouldn't hurt her, I added a half teaspoon of aloe juice in her pumped bottles. And yesterday she was very content. Our nights have been in 4 and 5 hour intervals... Just having trouble going back to sleep after that 2am ish feeding. So we will see how the next few weeks go! Overall, I have changed so much since that first week. I still don't feel like I know everything that I need to know.. But I have realized so many things about being a mother. How our jobs never end. How there is always laundry to fold, bottles to wash, floors to sweep, bills to pay, dinner to cook, and places to be. On top of being the primary caregiver for a helpless baby who is so dependent on you for everything. I have learned that if I just focus on her and not everything else that doesn't matter, my life is more peaceful. For the next few years my house probably won't always be picked up like it used to be. I might not always have new clothes, fresh highlites, manicured nails, or be 120 pounds. True peace is the realization that none of that even matters and we are perfect in God's image. True peace is knowing that Caroline knows Jesus when she is older and that we will be in heaven together.
Now that my sappy motherhood post is over... Here are a couple of recent pictures.
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