Thursday, April 2, 2015

6 Weeks with My C

Well…I knew that my blog posting would slow down whenever I went back to work, but I supposed it has really slowed down these last couple of weeks. Before I go too much into detail of the past few days, I just wanted to clarify that this little blog is mainly for me so that I can look back on these days and remember everything. So the complete honesty here of my joys/frustrations/trials are mainly for myself to read. With that being said, C has had another rough week. We have not been to the pediatrician, but we are almost 100% sure she has colic. We probably won't be going to the pediatrician either, for all they will tell me (as they have on the phone) is to eliminate certain foods from my diet, alternate Simethicone/Gripe Water and occasionally infant Tylenol, and to burp her well. So before anyone reads this and thinks there are some things I can try….well we have tried about everything. 

1. Feeding her bottle slow (3-4 oz. over 30 minutes or so with burping in between and after)

2. All the meds….

3. Changing my diet. Okay people, I have eliminated dairy, beans, onions, caffeine, and spicy foods from my diet. Pretty much every day I eat sandwiches/vegetables/fruits/drink water. It is worth the aggravation just to be able to breastfeed my daughter.

4. Getting the in the car and riding. (This is hit or miss with C)

5. Warming a blanket in the dryer and wrapping her belly with it.

6. Gerber Probiotic Drops (1 per bottle) and I think these help. 

7. Bouncing up and down. Rocking. Till our knees are shaking.

8. Vacuum cleaner/blow dryer/washer/dryer. 

9. Strolling her around the block (hit or miss also)

10. Chiropractic therapy (been to one appointment-will see.)

11. Sound machine. White noise-check.

12. Sitting her up while feeding. Sitting up after feeding.

13. Rubbing her back in circles. Putting her over our shoulder.

14. Swaddling. We do this every night. Sometimes she is screaming so much that I unswaddle her because she's going to cry anyways and it makes her madder not being able to move.

I am pretty sure there are a lot more things we have tried.. but for right now thats all I've got. Anyway… Monday March 31st was hellacious. Is that even a word? C turned it up around 5pm, stopped around 10pm when we finally finally finally got her to sleep. Woke up again around 1am and started crying so we hit the backroads of Arab around 1:30 a.m…both of us so sleep deprived and exhausted. We finally got her to sleep around 2am so I told Kyle to drive around thirty more minutes to make sure we were in a deep sleep. After thirty minutes of driving and pulling into the driveway, we turned the truck off and sat there for a minute.. and of course C pops those eyes open, looks around, and wails. So we bring her inside…I tell Kyle to go to bed and I just sit there in the living room while she's crying in her carrier and I cry too. Then I did what any girl does (after I pick her up)…I called my mama. And of course she drove to our house in 30 minutes in the middle of the night. When she walked in I just cried and cried and hugged her. And then she sent me to bed where I slept four hours. The longest I have slept since February 19th.  Please don't feel sorry for me…I will probably look back at this in a few years and laugh. But not now. Keep in mind that my husband is working a lot right now so I can stay at home a little I'm doing this 24/7 alone mostly with mama's help.

Soooo…. I have woken up the past few mornings trying to start with a fresh insight. Reading some scripture, asking God for patience and guidance throughout the day. Not being tense and if I cry, don't do it while holding her. And it has seemed to help me cope with it a lot better. God is helping me cope with worry. I constantly worry about going back to work, Kyle taking care of her while I'm at work, or bad things happening in general. The funny thing is… I never worried this much in my life until I had a baby. I used to be pretty laid back in my mind about the future. I have also prayed for God to help me focus on today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today. This moment that I have with my baby that I will never get back. This moment I have with Caroline that some girls do not get because they are not able to conceive a child. I believe that God is helping me get through this. This is not a struggle, but a journey in my life that I am going through. 

Now that thats said and baby girl is 6 weeks old today. She is growing oh so much and I can't wait to see how much she weighs. Yesterday (April 1st) C held a smile three times at me and her nana. Baby book milestone! She smiles with her eyes and it is just so wonderful. She is still eating well and will still breastfeed and bottle feed whenever and wherever. Ha! This past week with her I have really cherished breastfeeding…it is such a sweet bond with her that I would have never understood until I became a mother. Our newborn sleepers are becoming more snug and we are advancing to size 1 diapers this week. The newborn diapers are getting just a little too snug. Whenever anyone else is holding her and I talk she will turn her head and follow me with her eyes. It makes me so happy. Here are some recent pictures...

Daddy and C in their morning bottle routine!

Cousin Greg came to meet C last Saturday at my parents. She really likes male voices. :)

Uncle Harry.. she liked his voice too. 

Our Easter Bunny sleeper from the Criders! Thank you Mrs. Donna! 

I do not like pictures of myself but this picture of C and I makes me smile!

Trying to wear all the bows we got at showers! :)

Morning time is my favorite part of the day. We have lots of chats and I get lots of smiles and funny looks. 

I took this picture for documentation purposes.. some of you new mamas might think I'm lying but really..this is the first time she was asleep when we changed her diaper. She is very alert most of the time and burping/diaper changes/outfit changes really stimulates her to stay awake. Doesn't she look long in this picture?

Nana and Pop got us a new rocking chair for the front porch so we could rock outside and boy has it been nice. I have already put some rocking time in and I can't wait for Kyle to paint it in a few weeks.

We went to visit Aunt Andrea when I was exhausted.. and of course C slept 4.5 hours over there  just to show out. :) 

We took a trip to Jones Valley so Daddy could get a haircut. C and I strolled through stores and she fell asleep on the way home…..

Still asleep when we got home! Score! So daddy and mommy enjoyed the fresh air and C slept on the porch in her carrier… and guess what? She is still asleep while I'm writing this post! Score!

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