Yesterday we took our first stroll around the block. Kyle walked Libby while I pushed Caroline. She fell asleep immediately and even whined a little when we stopped to take a picture. She wanted to keep going. :)
We have been at home the past few of Kyle's off days just spending family time and I have been cooking a lot. We tried lots of stimulation yesterday during the day and didn't let C get into deep sleeps for too long.. But (sigh) we still are having bad nights. Don't let this happy blog fool you.. This mama is sleep deprived and very tearful. Postpartum hormones and exhaustion are not for the faint hearted. We are breastfeeding so it's so hard to let Kyle get up with her unless I know for a fact she's not going to be hungry soon. It doesn't help that out of three nights, he's gone for one and has to go to work the next morning for the other. I'm trying so hard to "wait it out" at night.. It's very challenging. Whimpering doesn't signal picking her up, but laying there watching her squirm and whimper until she either cries or falls back asleep is hard. Mostly our problem is staying asleep once put down at night. I'm doing reading, trying to be patient and desperately clinging to other mom's advice of "it will get better." I'm not going to lie, most nights while he has been at work and she won't go sleep no matter what I have tried... I just hold her and cry. And that's okay.
Here are some recent pics.. Reminds me why feeling exhausted is completely worth it. :)

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