Caroline is the luckiest girl in the world to get to have a nana like she does. Nana takes care of us no matter where she is. She lives an hour away and manages to come see us 3-4 days a week. She tries to spend the night with us when daddy has to work. Not only does she spend the night and rock C back to sleep after I nurse her, but she gets up and drives an hour to work the next day. She always helps with house work and makes sure daddy has dinner if I am too tired to cook. She is the best rocker and has patience with C when I am beat. But not only is she a great nana, she is a great mama too. C isn't her only priority.. She hasn't forgotten about me either. Hugs, late night calls and texts, and even a drive here in 40 minutes during our bad day yesterday to let me cry in her arms and rest. Nana is always bringing groceries for us, flowers, treats for Libby, extra diapers and wipes, and the list could go on. Best nana award? Goes to my mama for sure. <3

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