Sunday, October 4, 2015


I have been on a blogging hiatus for a few weeks and I regret it, but it seems to be getting harder to sit down and write. The main reason that I have been absent from the blogging world would probably be sheer exhaustion. Caroline is just one of those babies who is wired not to sleep through the night. And it's about to kill me. I just keep telling myself every day that one day she is going to sleep. One day I will feel rested again. A few nights ago, the first time that she woke up I tried to let her cry it out for over an hour solid without going in there and she was still going strong, to the point of losing her breath she was crying so hard. I ended up losing it after an hour and getting her out of the crib. The next morning, I noticed that her left eye had a busted blood vessel from crying so hard. So no, I don't think crying it out will be for us. I don't care what studies show what, she will be fine. I am still trying to be present on social media, but as for blogging time I have been  little preoccupied. 

I am so incredibly thankful that fall is here. Mainly because we can stroll around the neighborhood without sweating! I got out our fall/Halloween decorations this week and we bought some beautiful mums at a local nursery and they are beautiful. As I posted earlier this week on social media, our house is perfect for us. Kyle and I got engaged on this porch and we spend lots of time with Caroline on this porch. 

And of course here are all of my iPhone snaps of Caroline throughout this month. 

More than just being busy with Caroline, I have also replaced a lot of computer time with studying my Bible. I felt the calling from God to start a bible study at work and finally got the courage to start it and we have now met twice for women's Bible Study at work. Last week I taught bible study for the first time in my life to someone besides children and it went well. Thanks to my co-workers for the encouragement! So far the study is going great and I know that the Lord is speaking to people in my workplace. I have had to make many life changes and personal changes that aren't exactly comfortable, but Christianity is not about staying comfortable so I am getting used to it. 

With that said, we have to get ready for our meeting tonight, we have our first small group meeting tonight at our pastor's house and I'm somewhat anxious and excited! I hope everyone has a wonderful October! 

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