This weekend was spent at home mostly. I was off on Friday and spent the day at home being productive, but I got called in Friday night so Kyle took Caroline to his parents while I worked for a bit. Kyle's mother had all three of her grandkids for the first time.
Saturday we stayed at home all day and got some house cleaning done. Kyle watched Caroline while I went to get my toes painted and searched around for a good bookshelf to paint for Caroline's room... No such luck. Still looking. We went to the river for a family wedding and I thought Caroline would do well being that the wedding was outside. She was perfect for the ceremony and showed out for everyone. Then came the reception where she had a royal crying meltdown that lasted thirty minutes. I initially thought she was sleepy and she usually gives it up after ten or fifteen minutes. We loaded her in the car after eating, turned on MMCH and hoped she would fall asleep on the way home. After crying some more for about fifteen minutes.... She pooped in the diaper and was all smiles. Poor girl had an upset tummy the whole time! I knew something wasn't right. Anyways it worked out perfect because we were home and got in bed at usual time.

Today Kyle had to work so I let Caroline take her morning two hour nap and then we headed to eat mexican with mom, dad, Andrew and Tori. Caro was post nap/bottle so she was all smiles!

Caroline has got to spend so much time
with both her great- grandmothers and I am so thankful for that. This very house is where I used to lay as a baby while Granny watched me.

I hope everyone has had a blessed weekend with family. That is what the weekends mean to me now- family time!
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