Quick selfie to remind myself that this child looks so much like her daddy it's not even funny.
To try to convince myself that she looked a little like me, I downloaded the "Like Parent" app and it rubbed it in my face even more.
And did it one more time with even more defeat.
Oh well...so after our sno-cone strolling trip C and Daddy played pretty hard.
We tried for a few bumbo pics.. And got some pretty serious and funny faces. I'm sure she thinks I am nuts.
And then we went to bed at 8... To wake up three or four times throughout the night. We ended up in the recliner since daddy had to work today and needed to rest. Without going into too much unnecessary detail and just being completely transparent, I am coming out of a serious case of postpartum depression. I went through some serious sleep deprivation that went up to 50+ hours without sleep and working.... And about lost my marbles. It happens. Without my mama, Kyle, and God I do not know what I would have done. I am still not 100% better, but life is getting a little easier on not a lot of sleep. The one thing I have used to cope is perspective. Reading someone's infertility struggles at just the right time when I am feeling exhausted of rocking a crying baby.... Or just thinking about how we have a healthy three month old who isn't in the NICU or wearing oxygen or being diagnosed with cancer. We will pick reflux and gas over that any day. Anyway... I really hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the sunshine! I know we sure will.
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