Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Happiest Day of Our Lives

I don't think I ever knew what we were about to experience when we got pregnant with Caroline. People try to tell you that your lives are going to change forever and that you do not know what real love is, but until you actually get to that point it all remains just words. The day she was born will forever remain in my heart. I literally sit here at home and stare at her sometimes and cry because I am so overjoyed and thankful that God entrusted me with her. Yes, the hormones probably help with that, but it is the sweetest feeling I have ever experienced. 

This is when I was dilated to around 5. I received my epidural earlier in the morning and was just experiencing pressure throughout contractions. If I could do it all over again I would do it the same. The epidural made me get to enjoy every minute by making the pain bearable. 

We were so happy but nervous. Kyle stayed by my side for almost the entire day. He also helped deliver Caroline. Watching my husband pull her out and lay her on top of me was amazing. 

Uncle A is going to be the best uncle. He was just as excited as we were. 

One of the best labor nurses in the world. I had asked Jennifer if she would labor me if she was working when we were there. Kyle and I are both so thankful that she was there. Although I only labored from 7 or so until she was born at 1:37pm, Jenn coached me the entire time and was so helpful, kind, and patient. When I turned from my right side to my left and went from 6 cm to 9.5 cm in around 30 minutes, she was on top of getting everything ready in a matter of minutes. Not to mention that when it was all over this girl basically picked me up and helped bathed me and washed my hair….with a smile on her face. We bonded that day.

This is the only picture I had of Dr. Justice that was actually presentable. He just thought he was going to sit down at Wendy's and eat lunch until he got the call that I was dilated to 9.5. He loves me so much that he got a police escort back to the hospital so he could make it. :) If he didn't he knew he would never hear the end of it. 

 The rest of the pictures pretty much tell our story…the tears are the happiest I have ever cried in my life. I know some of these pictures show me at my most vulnerable moments but they are so special to me that I wanted to share. 

There is nothing in the world like staring at your child for the first time. 

Being a mother is absolutely the best reward God has ever given me. I already have seen myself transition from my old self where the world revolved around Kyle and I to a full on mother in mindset in every action that I take. I also have realized just how much I can get done on no sleep. Life is so much sweeter these days. 

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