As I sit down this morning to write on my blog, I carry a burden on my shoulders that many people carry daily, probably even go to bed at night sleeping with. The burden of worry.
We worry about so many different things throughout the day, from the smallest aspects of our day to the largest. Will I be able to catch up on laundry today? I hope the electric bill isn't due this week. Is my body really ready for swimsuit season in two months? We can't splurge and go out to eat this week. I just know that today at work is going to be so awful. And after that I have to come home and do laundry, dishes, and maybe I will have time to rest. I hope we can make it on time to church this morning. And if you are like me, I am constantly wondering about futuristic things as well. Are we waiting too late to have a baby? What if we wait too late? Should I even go back to school and put us through student loans? Are we even going to get to go on vacation this year?
While driving this weekend and noticing how gorgeous the weather was, I caught myself going through these things in my head and realized that I was driving myself to the point of insanity running these thoughts through my head! How am I even getting through my day worrying this much? The Holy Spirit reminded me this morning of how God has everything in control of my life. Even these silly little aspects that I tend to worry about daily.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7
And to be honest here, I have found these trivial things that I am worrying about resolving themselves right in front of my own eyes. Bills are still being paid on time, swimsuit season isn't THAT important, because I am married it doesn't matter to anyone but my husband what my "bikini body" looks like, that extra time to read the Bible is provided to me as we speak, and God has reminded me that he does, in fact hold my future! Those are just some of the reminders that He has shown me today. Just wanted to share the easy and simple reminder that we all forget from time to time. When I get caught up in my day to day life so much that I am worrying more than I am praying, stopping and re-evalutating my faith always makes my day better!
P.S. Thought I would share some of our one year pics from January! Taken by Kayla Cobb of KC photography!
P.S. Thought I would share some of our one year pics from January! Taken by Kayla Cobb of KC photography!
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