Sunday, February 21, 2016

One Year Old

One Year Old

24 pounds, 31 inches
Brown hair, Green eyes
3 teeth 

And just like that, our little girl turned a year old. Last February when she was born, I struggled so much in the beginning with the transition of becoming a mother. Although Caroline was a somewhat difficult newborn, (aren't all new babies to new mothers difficult at first?) I felt so much overwhelming love for her as her mother. The days seemed long and I thought it would be forever until she turned a year old…..until the days went by and it slowly crept up on me. Here I sit watching my one year old playing in the floor and laughing at the television and can't help but be reminded of God's faithfulness. 

At one year old, we are having lots of fun around here. Caroline loves to play and drag out every toy she owns all over the house. The countless times that I have picked up the house are multiplying daily. She is a great eater and will eat pretty much anything we feed her. She stands alone and will take a step before she falls to her knees…and I am totally okay with her not walking yet! She still says the same three or four words but doesn't associate any other words besides "go" and "mama." She is quite the screamer/shrieker and she voices her emotions pretty loudly. She sleeps all night most nights in bed with me but has turned into quite the early bird. We are up around 5 or 5:30 around here most mornings. Mama + Coffee = Happy.

Her first birthday party was scheduled for February 20th, 2016, but the Lord's will overcame our plans and my Papa Martin passed away (yesterday morning) so we spent the past couple of days with our big extended family instead. We are rescheduling her party for a couple of weeks from now and everything will hopefully work out fine. 

We had a picture session with one of my good friends Claire a few weeks ago and I was thrilled at how her pictures turned out because if you have ever had your baby's pictures made, they feel exhausting/like you never got a good shot/why did we do this ...but Claire did such a wonderful job.

And just in case you thought these pictures make our life look perfect…let me add a few to make sure we keep it real. ;)

Happy First Birthday, Caroline! Mama and Daddy love you very much and can't wait to see what the next year brings!