Seven Months Old
Today Caroline is seven months old and we are starting to feel like it's going by fast. The first six months dragged on, and now that we are past halfway, it's flying by. Caroline is getting to be more and more fun every day. This girl is PACKED with personality. I can't even tell you how many people say "Gee, I wonder where she gets that personality from." I'll take that as a compliment. I only got a few pictures of her in the seven month onesie due to her being extremely active. Mama was tired after this one.
Caroline is eating stage two baby food twice a day. She loves just about anything with her favorites still being sweet potatoes and carrots. Her least favorite are peas and green beans of course. We put her in her high chair every time she eats baby food for consistency. The only problem is that she eats great for Kyle and I (opens and closes her mouth, hardly needs a bib) and doesn't eat well for my mom or dad. We discovered that this week. Haha. She still takes about four 6 ounce bottles a day with cereal in them as well.

If this were a grade, Caroline would receive a D+. She is an excellent daytime napper with naps that are 1-2 hours long. She still wakes up several times at night and wears me out. Are we still only having one? Yes. When I get baby fever in four years, I'll remember how good I feel sleeping every night before work.
We still have zero teeth…not sure when those babies are coming in.
We still have zero teeth…not sure when those babies are coming in.
New Things
Caroline is completely sitting up at all times. She hates to lay down. She show zero interest in crawling. I think she might be one of those babies that goes from sitting to pulling up to walking. She LOVES Libby. She can be in the middle of a full out fit and Libby will prance into the room and her tears are non existent. She hasn't said her first words. We try everyday, trust me. Haha. She is riding in the buggy at the grocery store and is quite the social butterfly. She hates to be rocked still and at night she wants us to feed her and leave her alone to go to bed. I hope that never changes, although I wish she would let me rock her some!
And here is some more pictures of month six.
We have had a great month with our girl. Can't wait to see what month seven brings!