Words can not express how happy I am that fall is finally here! It is by far my favorite season and I love everything that comes with it. But the best part of this fall is that I will be experiencing my second trimester of pregnancy this fall/winter 2014. I decided that I would do a blog about my pregnancy thus far because some of my favorite blogs to read are about pregnancy. I read them even before I became pregnant. :)
One of the questions people ask when you are pregnant is whether or not you planned the pregnancy. My answer to this question is yes. Kyle and I were married in December of 2012, which means this December we will celebrate two years of marriage. While Kyle isn't that much older than me, he will be 30 in the next couple of weeks (he might kill me for posting this) and I will be 26 in December. So knowing that we wanted more than one child (if God allows it), we decided that we would start trying before we hit two years of marriage.
We began trying this past May and found out in June that we were pregnant. This is something I struggle with posting (because I don't know who is reading this) so to anyone out there that is having fertility issues, my heart longs and reaches out to you. I am thankful that God saw fit to provide a child to us almost immediately and will not take that for granted. Kyle and I went to Louisiana the first weekend in June and the day we woke up to go home, I felt different. I don't know how to explain it, but my stomach felt weird the whole day. A week passed by and we were doing our usual Sunday morning routine of drinking coffee and getting clothes ironed for church when I just felt weird. I obviously was a few days late so I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a box of 2 pregnancy tests. When I got home and took the first test, I really couldn't believe my eyes. So I walked to the kitchen with my heart fluttering and drank a whole bottle of water so I could take the second one. Meanwhile, Kyle is sipping coffee while playing Candy Crush and watching the news. I took the second test and when it came back positive as well, my heart raced so fast that I could not hardly stand up. I slowly walked into the living room and sat on the edge of the couch with shaking hands holding both tests and asked Kyle to look at what I just did. He glanced over and did a double, maybe triple take. Looking back now it is so funny. He asked me what two lines meant and I started laughing and told him it meant that I was pregnant. His face turned white as a sheet as he sat there and processed everything for a few minutes. We started laughing and talking about how we couldn't believe this was really happening. Needless to say, we went to church and Sunday School but couldn't concentrate a lick the whole day. :)

These are the first two tests I took!
And these are the others I took after church just to make sure! ;)
The next few weeks were not the greatest. I found out so early that I was pregnant that my first trimester went by (what felt like) so slow! Not to mention the sickness. I started getting sick at seven weeks. The first time was the worst. I was rushing around the house getting ready for work and had brushed my teeth and grabbed my purse to go out the door when I passed the garbage can outside. I got a faint whiff of the garbage scent and before I knew it, I had projectile vomited in my front yard. After that day it was like I had turned on a switch. I threw up in the shower some morning, while brushing my teeth, while putting my shoes on. It became so hard to get out of bed in the morning. I tried eating crackers while laying in bed and taking Zofran, but it only helped some mornings. I also became extremely fatigued during the days. I would come home from work and fall on the couch and sleep until the next morning. Heartburn settled in as well, and I had to start taking Zantac. To be completely honest, the first trimester was not that exciting for us.

This is baby Page at 8 weeks! I had an ultrasound very early due to some ovarian cyst pain that was quite worrisome. We were completely amazed when we saw this. I will never forget that feeling.
Our little bean at ten weeks! I couldn't believe that something this small was making me throw my guts up every morning. :)
Whoa now! Big difference, right? Baby Page at 14 weeks. Kyle's face was so sweet when he saw this picture. It was like he finally understood that a little person was "really" in there!
Thankfully at 14 weeks, most of the nausea ceased and the fatigue went away. I know that some people experience this for their whole pregnancy and I can't imagine what that is like. It could still come back for me since I am only 18.5 weeks so far, but I'm hoping not.
At our fourteen week ultrasound we were told that the baby might be a boy because there was some tissue that looked like it was developing between the legs that looked like little boy parts. Of course it wasn't confirmed, it was just a possibility, but we went home on the thoughts that it probably would be a boy. Lets be honest here, every expecting mother has a tiny hope of what she hopes her baby would be, but honestly doesn't care as long as its healthy. My first wish was for a girl, but when we were introduced to thoughts of a boy, I started to get into boy world. I picked out some cute fabric for bedding, I started looking online at clothes and nursery things and realized that we would definitely have fun with a boy and better yet, come out lots cheaper! :) Kyle even started talking about taking our son hunting, playing tee ball, etc. It was fun!
But this past week, we had an ultrasound that confirmed that actually, I am carrying a baby girl! It was such a surprise to us that we couldn't believe it at first. Kyle kept asking the ultrasound tech if she was sure because he was in shock. We have really switched into girl mode this week, though. Kyle is excited to have a daddy's girl and I am excited for dresses, bows, and monograms. Most importantly, we are most thankful for a healthy baby girl so far. My anatomy scan is in a couple of weeks so we still have a long journey ahead. The best part is having tons of energy during the day and feeling so much better in my second trimester. The most asked questions now is what are we going to name her and I have no idea. My usually laid-back husband has turned out to be quite opinionated about names, so deciding on a name together should be quite the task!

I will leave you all with this sweet little bottom :) Those three little white lines would be her little girl parts and the two white circles at the bottom are her feet. She was literally "showing her tail." I hope this isn't indicative of a future little sassy girl! ;)
Well, I think this is about it for my first pregnancy post. Praying for a wonderful second trimester and a healthy anatomy scan! Until later.