I became inspired by Sunday School this morning. So inspired that as I am walking around the house five minutes ago changing bed sheets and washing clothes that I knew I had to sit down and write out how I felt. Have you ever had a lightbulb Christian moment? Where something so simple that you probably hear about a thousand times at church just somehow, well, clicks?
Ironically enough, we are in the book of 1 Peter for our Sunday morning sermons as well as Sunday school. As we are reading about loving others no matter what and having awesome and powerful faith throughout the darkest trial in your life, something just hit me.
I know that God is sovereign and that His will is just. I know that he knew what was going to happen in my life even before I was born. So why, oh why, do I pray for certain outcomes? Why even pray at all if God knows what is best for me? After all, His timing is always right. Why should I ask him for certain things? This is a hard thing for me to dissect in my head. Until it just hit me through our lesson. This Christianity thing is all about ME. My efforts, attempts, faith, prayers, act of worship, etc. towards God. God is always going to be the same (something we hear relentlessly growing up) and it is just coming to me! He desires for me to pray to him to that I can see how my faith is growing/not growing! Yes, ultimately this is about HIM in the sense that Jesus gave his life for us. But the relationship aspect is all ME. He is always holding tight to that rope and his grip never lets up. We have to decide if we are going to climb that rope higher. Just like someone pointed out in Sunday School this morning, God knew that Isaac was not going to die that day that he commanded Abraham to die. That was God's perfect will. He just wanted Abraham to realize how far his faith extended and how he would be blessed for having that faith.
Thanks to God for revealing even the simplest of things to me. Now time to apply it to my life.